The capacity to act inter-
dependently with other factors and
networks. A temporally embedded pro-
cess of iteration, understood as a selective
reactivation of past patterns of action,
& projection, understood as a sensing
or calculation of possible
future trajectories.
dependently with other factors and
networks. A temporally embedded pro-
cess of iteration, understood as a selective
reactivation of past patterns of action,
& projection, understood as a sensing
or calculation of possible
future trajectories.
Purposefully created
or programmed musical and
computer processes that trace the
temporal evolution of random variables
indexed by some set, and their
changing relationships
over time.
or programmed musical and
computer processes that trace the
temporal evolution of random variables
indexed by some set, and their
changing relationships
over time.
The fundamental constituent
of the universe. Energy-matter’s
cycles of concentration and dissipation
are usually seen as separate. Energy is
seen as transformation. Matter is seen
as consisting of particles or
waves. In reality, they
are a continuum.
of the universe. Energy-matter’s
cycles of concentration and dissipation
are usually seen as separate. Energy is
seen as transformation. Matter is seen
as consisting of particles or
waves. In reality, they
are a continuum.
A technique for rapid
passage through varied ambiances,
first practiced by the Situationists Inter-
national. In la dérive, all habitual motifs
for movement are suspended. Human
‘derivists’ respond to the spontaneities of
the terrain. Objects are carried across
space & time, by the wind, currents,
humans, or machines.
passage through varied ambiances,
first practiced by the Situationists Inter-
national. In la dérive, all habitual motifs
for movement are suspended. Human
‘derivists’ respond to the spontaneities of
the terrain. Objects are carried across
space & time, by the wind, currents,
humans, or machines.
An ephemeral repository without centrally organised memory.
Resists fixing data in favour of informational iteration, and the interplay
of remembering and forgetting. The Indeterminacy Anarchive is a constellation
of contemporary artistic practices that engage with key tenets of indeterminacy, either
thematically, or formally. It relies on randomised forms of retrieval. When you
click on ‘anarchive,’ in the website menu, a randomised selection of
terms appear. When you click on one of these terms, one
of the possible connections appears. All paths are local.
There is no meta-view. No point from which
the totality of the anarchive
can be surveyed.
A fragment of scored reality. A
four-dimensional perceptual ready-
made first practiced by the Fluxus artists
in the 1960s. The event score resembles a
musical score, only instead of music, it
scores events. It usually takes the form
of a verbal pictogram or per-
formance instruction.
four-dimensional perceptual ready-
made first practiced by the Fluxus artists
in the 1960s. The event score resembles a
musical score, only instead of music, it
scores events. It usually takes the form
of a verbal pictogram or per-
formance instruction.
The process that causes an
organism to develop its shape. A key
aspect of biological self-organisation. In
artificial intelligence, morphogenesis is the
process of machinic ‘becoming’or self-
regulation emerging from the
diversity of information.
organism to develop its shape. A key
aspect of biological self-organisation. In
artificial intelligence, morphogenesis is the
process of machinic ‘becoming’or self-
regulation emerging from the
diversity of information.
An artistic-activist practice first
developed by the Situationists Interna-
tional in the 1950s. Détournement uses
appropriation, deflection, and rerouting to
produce politically educative work. It re-
structures and/or fuses existing works and
cultural tropes. More recent forms of
détournement are also called
culture jamming.
developed by the Situationists Interna-
tional in the 1950s. Détournement uses
appropriation, deflection, and rerouting to
produce politically educative work. It re-
structures and/or fuses existing works and
cultural tropes. More recent forms of
détournement are also called
culture jamming.
Techniques that open up
The artistic process to unpredictability,
Such as dice throwing, I Ching (the Chinese
Book of Changes), or computer programs.
Chance operations are usually traced to the
early 20-century avant-garde, such as
Dadaism and Surrealism, or the neo-
avant-garde, such as John Cage.
The artistic process to unpredictability,
Such as dice throwing, I Ching (the Chinese
Book of Changes), or computer programs.
Chance operations are usually traced to the
early 20-century avant-garde, such as
Dadaism and Surrealism, or the neo-
avant-garde, such as John Cage.
Usually seen as the
quantification of attributes
of a pre-existing object or event.
As measurement always relies on tools,
apparatuses, human and machinic
agents, measuring devices also
create the object or event
being measured.
quantification of attributes
of a pre-existing object or event.
As measurement always relies on tools,
apparatuses, human and machinic
agents, measuring devices also
create the object or event
being measured.