Conference Panel 7 & 8 Videos
Panel 7
(Only presentations for which conference speakers have given permission are shown)
Panel 7a: Datification
Franziska Pilling & Haider Akmal, ‘Researching and Designing Uncanny AI to Legible AI’
Jennifer Gradecki, ‘By Any Metaphor Necessary: Artistic Counterpoints of the Surveillance State’

Panel 7b: Acceleration, Crisis, Catastrophe
Filip Vostal, ‘The Great/Social Acceleration: Five “Deflationary” Notes’
Ingrid M. Hoofd, ‘The (Un)determined University? On the Limitless Limits of Academic Research’
Teelin Lucero, ‘Cartographies of Catastrophe’

Panel 8
(Only presentations for which conference speakers have given permission are shown)
Panel 8a: Algorithmic Politics
Alesha Serada, ‘The Historical Determinism of Blockchain (and Its Limits)’
Derek Curry, ‘Artistic Defamiliarization in the Age of Neural Networks’
Stephanie Polsky, ‘Aspirational Theft: Technocapitalism, Cognitive Augmentation Devices and Algorithmic Coloniality’

Panel 8b: Futurity
Valentin Balanovskiy, ‘Acausality as a Principle for Indeterminate Future: Carl Gustav Jung and Nikolay Lossky on the Acausal Connecting Principle’
Dylan Vaughan, ‘Indeterminate and Indifferent: Lyotard’s Late Speculations’